沧海一粟,欢迎来访。     🏝️ About me

  1. October 02, 2020


  2. May 10, 2020


  3. April 12, 2020


  4. April 12, 2020

    As is well known, the difference between RN and H5 lies in the fact that RN uses Native components for rendering, while H5 relies on WebView. So how does RN manage to write JS code and render Native components? In this article, we'll delve into the source code to explore this.

  5. March 07, 2020

    Cross-platform development has always been a hot topic. As a front-end developer, it's beneficial to understand some knowledge about mobile platforms.

  6. July 01, 2019


  7. March 11, 2019

    capslock 占着键盘的好位置,但是使用率极低。如何巧妙使用来提高效率。

  8. February 15, 2019
